Rimworld save file editor
Rimworld save file editor

rimworld save file editor

This contains a string of the unique identifier of a thing. A donkey, on the other hand, starts with a def containing "Donkey" in the section that describes pawns. For example, an element needs > li.Need_Food > def (in CSS selector syntax) has the value "Food", explaining that the data is about need for food. "def" contains a single string that refers to some item or property. It can have many different meanings depending on what the element surrounding it is. As in HTML, this simply stands for a "list item". Important elements You will notice that "li" appears a lot in the save file.

  • Thing - information about a person/animal.
  • ThingReservation - Details what a Pawn (person/animal) is doing/going to do.
  • The research completes when Progress is more than (or equal) to TotalCost.
  • ProjectList - Contains the state of each of the research projects available in the game.
  • Resources - Contains information about each of the available resources in the game.
  • World data is saved into the map file, to allow multiple saves on the same world without confusion. rws, and can be read with any XML reader or Notepad. Rimworld's save files are written in XML (Version 1.0) and contain all the information about the state of the game.

    Rimworld save file editor